Sunday, January 10, 2010

Saturday January 9th, 2010

Outside of my work last night, Anne came to pick me up.  We are a one car family, so this is a regular thing.  When she arrives I'm not quite done working so I went outside to let her know, and to give her a kiss.  I put my head through the car window, kiss her, and....

Anne: Your breath stinks.  What did you eat?!
Me: Lasagna...
Anne: Well, it's not making your breath smell so good...
Me: ...and black licorice.
Anne: EWW!!! Who actually eats that stuff?!?!
Me: Black licorice is fantastic!
Anne: It tastes like poop rolled in dirt.
(I walk away to finish working, Anne makes a disgusted face at me)
Me: Make that face again
(She does)
Me: **Fist Pump**  YES!  I can't stay married to you if you can make a face like that, I GET TO GET A DIVORCE!!!
(Anne makes the face again)

Listen up wives.  If your husband has bad breath when he comes outside to do something sweet like giving you a kiss, just suck it up and don't tell him that whatever he ate tastes like poop rolled in dirt.  That's just rude.  I'll have everyone know that when I went back in I ate 2 more pieces of that tasty licorice.  I'm thinking about eating a garlic clove and onion salad for breakfast.  Let's see what she says today!

1 comment:

  1. I would like to know how Anne knows what poop rolled in dirt tastes like.
